What is fate? Meaning of the fate of people in feng shui?

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Every person born in this world has a Life and elements, also known as a Life. According to feng shui, life and elements are related to everyone and have very important meanings for each person. So, what does fate mean in our life? Follow this article to know more.

I. What is fate?

What is life? The ming (命) is the main sign to see each person’s horoscope, general law, and destiny.

The ming (命) is an important official Trigram in feng shui in order to determine the five elements of Yin, feng shui orientation, future generalization, marriage, business combination, and fortune opening. Brings good luck, health, happiness, prosperity, and supports the conversion of fate.

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II. The origin of the ming neiyin (命)

1. Ming neiyin? What is the ming?

The ming represents one of the five elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. Each act indicates the basic physical nature of the ming

2 The origin of the ming (命)

In Ziwei, neiyin (纳音) or the method of divination is the further classification of the Five Elements into 60 ming (命), or life orders, based on the ganzhi. Similar to the astrology zodiac, the ming is used by fortune-tellers to analyze a person’s personality and future fate.

2.1 Metal Elements:

  • Wax metal 白腊金
  • Jewelry metal 钗钏金
  • Sea metal 海中金
  • Sand metal 沙中金
  • Sword metal 剑锋金
  • Precious metal 金白金

2.2 Water Elements:

  • Cave water 洞下水
  • Sky water 天河水
  • Stream water 泉中水
  • Rapids water 大溪水
  • River water 长流水
  • Ocean water 大海水
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2.3 Wood Elements in our fate:

  • Forest wood 大林木
  • Meadow wood 平地木
  • Willow wood 杨柳木
  • Mulberry wood 桑柘木
  • Conifer wood 松柏木
  • Pomegranate wood 石榴木
The origin of fate
The origin of fat

2.4 Fire Elements in our fate: 

  • Furnace fire 炉中火
  • Forest fire 山下火
  • Volcanic fire 山头火
  • Lamp fire 佛灯火
  • Lightning fire 霹雳火
  • Sun fire 天上火

2.5 Earth Elements:

  • Road earth 路旁土
  • Adobe earth 壁上土
  • Fortress earth 城头土
  • Highway earth 大驿土
  • Roof tiles earth 屋上土
  • Desert earth 沙中土
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III. Table of five basic elements according to eastern philosophy

Year Element
1948 1949 2008 2009 Fire of thunder
1950 1951 2010 2011 Wood of conifer
1952 1953 2012 2013 water flows in a large stream
1954 1955 2014 2015 Metal in sand
1956 1957 2016 2017 Fire under the below of mountain
1958 1959 2018 2019 Wood in plain
1960 1961 2020 2021 Earth in high building 
1962 1963 2022 2023 metal has undergone smelting
1964 1965 2024 2025 Fire of the light
1966 1967 2026 2027 Water in the sky
1968 1969 2028 2029 Earth in house background
1970 1971 2030 2031 Metal in jewelry
1972 1973 2032 2033 Wood of mulberry
1974 1975 2034 2035 Water in lake
1976 1977 2036 2037 Earth in sand
1978 1979 2038 2039 Fire in the sky
1980 1981 2040 2041 Wood in pomegranate tree 
1982 1983 2042 2043 Water of sea
1984 1985 2044 2045 Metal under sea
1986 1987 2046 2047 fire in the furnace
1988 1989 2048 2049 Wood in forest
1990 1991 1930 1931 Earth in the street
1992 1993 1932 1933 Metal in sword tip
1994 1995 1934 1935 Fire in mountain 
1996 1997 1936 1937 water under the slit
1998 1999 1938 1939 Earth in high building
2000 2001 1940 1941 Metal in the candle
2002 2003 1942 1943 Wood of willow
2004 2005 1944 1945 Water in the middle of the stream 
2006 2007 1946 1947 Earth of the roof

The table of the elements for men and women





Part 1:

Men YEAR Women
Number The Eight Trigrams Element The intercardinal directions The intercardinal directions Element The Eight Trigrams Number
7 lake MENTAL W 1921 1948 1975 2002 NE EARTH mountain 8
6 heaven MENTAL NW 1922 1949 1976 2003 S FIRE fire 9
5 earth EARTH SW 1923 1950 1977 2004 N WATER water 1
4 wind WOOD SE 1924 1951 1978 2005 SW EARTH earth 2
3 thunder WOOD E 1925 1952 1979 2006 E WOOD thunder 3
2 earth EARTH SE 1926 1953 1980 2007 SE WOOD wind 4
1 water WATER N 1927 1954 1981 2008 NE EARTH mountain 5
9 fire FIRE S 1928 1955 1982 2009 NW MENTAL heaven 6
8 mountain EARTH NE 1929 1956 1983 2010 W MENTAL lake 7
7 lake MENTAL W 1930 1957 1984 2011 NE EARTH mountain 8
6 heaven MENTAL NW 1931 1958 1985 2012 S FIRE fire 9
5 earth EARTH SW 1932 1959 1986 2013 N WATER water 1
4 wind WOOD SE 1933 1960 1987 2014 SW EARTH earth 2
3 thunder WOOD E 1934 1961 1988 2015 E WOOD thunder 3
2 earth EARTH SW 1935 1962 1989 2016 SE WOOD wind 4
1 water WATER N 1936 1963 1990 2017 NE EARTH mountain 5
9 fire FIRE S 1937 1964 1991 2018 NW METAL heaven 6
8 mountain EARTH NE 1938 1965 1992 2019 W METAL lake 7
7 lake METAL W 1939 1966 1993 2020 NE EARTH mountain 8

Part 2:

6 heaven METAL NW 1940 1967 1994 2021 S FIRE fire 9
5 earth EARTH SW 1941 1968 1995 2022 N WATER water 1
4 wind WOOD SE 1942 1969 1996 2023 SW EARTH earth 2
3 thunder WOOD E 1943 1970 1997 2024 E WOOD thunder 3
2 earth EARTH SW 1944 1971 1998 2025 SE WOOD wind 4
1 water WATER N 1945 1972 1999 2026 NE EARTH mountain 5
9 fire FIRE S 1946 1973 2000 2027 NW METAL heaven 6
8 mountain EARTH NE 1947 1974 2001 2028 W METAL lake 7

IV. The cycle of mutual generation and control in fate

The cycle of mutual generation and control
The cycle of mutual generation and control
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V. Color table of mutual generation and controlling in the Five Elements

Color table of mutual generation and controlling in the Five Elements
Element Mutual generating Inter-promoting Inter-regulating Restricting
Metal Yellow, Brown White, Gray Green Red, Pink, Purple
Wood Black, Blue Green Yellow, Brown White, Gray
Water White, Gray Black, Blue Red, Pink, Purple Yellow, Brown
Fire Green Red, Pink, Purple White, Gray Black, Blue
Earth Red, Pink, Purple Yellow, Brown Black, Blue Green
table of five elements color
table of five elements color


1. Meaning of the feng shui element in fate

The feng shui element is very important for each individual. According to feng shui, the feng shui element directly affects and carries a dominant tendency from birth to age 40.

By the time they are over 40, the zodiac sign of the element begins to weaken as people enter the mature stage.The influence of the zodiac signs also decreases with age.

That is why, from birth to under 40 years old, feng shui practitioners base themselves on each person’s zodiac sign to determine overall career, family, children, marriage, and even wealth.

2. How to calculate your feng shui element by age

Calculating your feng shui element according to your age is very simple. Because men and women have different feng shui elements, the results must follow the Men’s and Women’s feng shui element below to know their element.

Step 1: Determine the year of birth (according to the lunar calendar, calculated according to the spring period, if born before the spring period, calculate the previous year, if born after the spring period, calculate the following year).

Step 2: The sum of the numbers in the year of birth divided by 9 gives the remainder (if it is divisible by 9, the remainder = 9. if the sum is less than 9, the remainder = the sum).

Step 3: Take the balance above and check with the table of Men and Women feng shui element below to know your element.

Men’s feng shui element table:

7. Wind 2. Fire 9. Earth
8. Thunder 6. Earth 4. Lake
3. Mountain 1.Water 5. Heaven

Women’s feng shui element table:

9. Wind 5. Fire 7. Earth
8. Thunder 1.Mountain 3. Lake
4. Mountain 6. Water 2. Heaven



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