Feng shui agarwood bracelet soon became an increasingly popular movement and loved. People often wear feng shui bracelets with the desire for fortune, peace, dispel the black, bad luck in life. But did everyone understand the meaning of the beads in the feng shui bracelets yet? How to calculate the feng shui beads? Which hands to wear Feng shui bracelet? How many beads in Feng shui bracelet? How many beads in a rosary? Please read the article below.
Why should wear feng shui bracelet according to the number of beads?
Feng shui bracelets favored on the market are usually made from fragrant and rare woods. These types of wood are considered to be highly positive, absorbing quintessence, aura of heaven and earth, so it has a special feng shui meaning.
From the perspective of beliefs, people often wear beads with different purposes but most people wear feng shui bracelets with the concept of bringing luck and peace but do not know how many beads is the best!
You should wear how many beads in rosary or Feng shui bracelet?
Depending on each concept and religion, the number of beads of the feng shui bracelet is prescribed and has different meanings.
How to calculate the feng shui bracelet beads according to Feng Shui concept:
To know how much feng shui should be worn. We have a way of calculating the number of beads of the feng shui round as follows:
If the number of particles has 1 digit we subtract 5 from that number.
If the 2-digit seed count subtracts 5 from the sum of those 2 digits, subtract until 1 number is left.
According to feng shui table number we have “The richest, second poor, three glorious, four attainment, five separate glass”
For example: If the number of beads is 7, we take 7-5 = 2. Look up according to the table, then it is mean => Do not wear this bracelet because it will be unfavorable in life.
How to calculate the number of feng shui bracelet beads according to the Catholic concept:
Feng shui bracelets are also popular with Catholics, especially the rosary of Mary the most popular prayer beads.
Catholics will use the feng shui bracelet of 13 beads including 1 female seed (with initial meaning) and 12 small beads when reciting the Gloria and the Our Father.
How to calculate the feng shui beads according to the Buddhist concept
In the string of beads, the bracelet will consist of female beads, Buddha beads, de tu beads, mark beads, cach beads.
The number of commonly used rosary beads is: 108 beads, 54 beads, 42 beads, 36 beads, 27 beads, 21 beads, 18 beads, 16 beads, 14 beads, 12 beads, 9 beads. Each number of particles has different meanings:
- 108 beads: Pray for 108 legal Tam Muoi that eliminates 108 negativity.
- 54 beads: 54 levels of the process of practice of Bodhisattva, ie, Tin Tin, Thap Tru and Thap Hanh. Twelve Direction, Cross and Four Compassionate People.
- 42 beads: 42 levels of the Bodhisattva’s training process, namely, the 10-Derma Bodhisattva, the 10 Dhamma Dharma Bodhisattvas.
- 27 beads: 27 levels of Theravada practice the four directions, that is, there will be 18 degrees of the school of the four previous four directions, corresponding to the nine steps of the Fourth Arhat.
- 21 beads: Five Faces, Five Forces, Seven Bodhisattva and Five Buddha.
- 18 beads: Eightfold Path and Buddha’s Head, also represent 18 Arhat.
- 16 beads : The Ten Continents and the Six Paramita.
- 14 beads: Fourteen Dharma Captains of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara m.
- 12 beads: Twelve Causal love.
- 9 beads: Cuu Pham Lien Hoa.
Number of feng shui beads according to Reincarnation:
According to the concept of the ancients; human life will have to go through 4 stages, also known as the cycle of “birth – old – sick – death” of which 1 is born, 2 is old, 3 is sick, 4 is death. Therefore, people often wear feng shui bracelets with the number of beads when dividing 4 will give an extra meaning to the existence; start new and avoid wearing a bracelet with the number of beads divisible by 4 (death penalty) as it will bring bad luck.
Which hands to wear Feng shui bracelet?
Talking about which hand to wear feng shui bracelet; Left or right is suitable, we still have to base on each case. Here are specific instructions on wearing bracelets on each side to support bringing the best of luck to homeowners:
You should wear a feng shui bracelet in your left hand when:
+ Participate in the fun party, such as: Birthday parties; weddings,… It will help to increase the positive energy source to bring love and life.
+ Participate in important meetings such as presentations, reports, meetings … The bracelet will help bring confidence to easily achieve many successes.
+ Participate in events such as examinations or sweepstakes, the feng shui bracelet will bring luck to you.
You should wear a feng shui bracelet in your right hand when:
+ Go to places related to illness, death: Funeral parlors, hospitals; … Because at this time the bracelet will help you avoid killing intent and disaster, involving …
+ When you go to crowded places, easy to take the exam: Casinos, bus stations, amusement parks, bars … Feng shui bracelets will provide energy to help you avoid the temptation of deceiving fraud threats to money. silver and chronic
Meaning of the number of beads in the arms according to the Five Elements:
Choose feng shui bracelets for people destined for Metal:
When choosing feng shui bracelets for people destined for Metal should choose the colors of nature such as dark yellow, dark brown, … According to the five elements, Earth born Metal; Metal is born in the Earth, so the colors of the earth will bring luck and happiness to the people of destiny.
Kim here is metal so metal’s characteristics are white, silver, gray, … These are compatible colors of the Metal destiny; will contribute to help the wearer change his personality in a more positive way.
Besides, those who are destined to Metal should avoid wearing harsh colors such as red, pink, purple, … representing the Fire par. The Fire Flame Metal will not be an appropriate choice for this group of people.
Choose feng shui bracelets for people in Wood:
The character traits of the people of the Wood family are friendly; sincere and very righteous living. It is said that Aquatic Wood, “The first country, second division, tam need, four varieties”; If plants want to grow well, water is a pioneer. So want to career advancement, smooth sailing in the life of the people of Wood should wear the black; blue, gray, green, …; The colors that show the mystery of the sea or the green are compatible colors of the Wood Destiny.
The similar colors of the Wood Destiny are white, light yellow, … These are the colors that the Wood Destiny should keep away from; otherwise it will bring many bad luck
Choose feng shui bracelets for people in Water:
In the rule of the five elements, the destiny is considered the strongest can sweep everything away; put out fires, harm metal; On the other hand, the people of Water are very clever in their communication and very rarely cause aversion to anyone. A blue, white quartz bracelet; will be a better non-standard option for those who are destined to help overcome the limitations and promote good points.
The color of the people of Destiny is red, pink, orange, … These colors will help the people of Water to overcome their limitations. Should avoid the brown soil, yellow earth, … symbolizing the soil, not suitable for this destiny.
Choose feng shui bracelets for the Fire destiny:
The people of the Fire par are often passionate people, full of life energy, but easily angry, hard to create sympathy. When choosing feng shui bracelets for this group of people should choose colors like red opal, or ruby, red agate, garnet, green will match the fire.
The relative color of the Fire par is green. According to the concept of the five elements, Wood is compatible with Fire. The more fire wood burns, the bigger the fire, therefore, in order to assert their position, succeed in life, the fire guardian should wear these colors on this destiny.
Avoid: Black, blue, gray, … These colors are compatible with the people of Destiny that Water not suitable with Fire. So these colors are very incompatible with the people of Fire.
Choose feng shui bracelets for the Earth destiny:
In feng shui, the territory is used only to nurture and nurture life for creatures including humans, those of the Earth Destiny often have a gentle personality, always helping people around.
Therefore, Earth people are always loved by many people. To promote all the good sides, you should choose bracelets with feng shui color. Tiger eyes, dark red Garnet, yellow, red, pink, purple quartz will be suitable for the local people.
– Mutual color: red, pink, purple, .. According to the concept of the five elements, the Earth born fire. Therefore, the people of the territory are very suitable for the above colors.
– Compatible colors: dark yellow, earth brown, .. These colors represent the Earth people. When worn around this colorful bracelet will bring owners a sense of peace and safety; helps to urge each person’s underlying personality.
– Avoid: green, … Wood is very engraved Earth. On the contrary, the Wood destiny people are suitable with green. Therefore, Earth people do not wear these colored bracelets or else they will make life more difficult; affect health, love road met many obstacles.